Serviced Accommodation Mentorship
Serviced accommodation mentorship
Serviced accommodation the real deal
26 weeks SA Mentorship
FREE PREVIEW4 week post mentorship support by phone or WhatsApp
Onboarding form
Onboarding form template
Onboarding checklist
How we use the onboarding checklist in Asana
Final sign off form
Storing your property information
How to store your property specific information
Titles for the project board in Asana
Guidebook & QR Code
Guidebook sample
Sample QR code
How to make a QR code stand
Why do we do property health check?
Property Health Check form
Your youtube channel
Youtube channel
How we deal with housekeeping
Property Spot Checklist
The report
Upsell vid
How to recruit a virtual assistant
Legals and insurance
Booking sites and agents
Heating schedules
Sample investor statement
Zeevou - How to amend days of the week pricing
Zeevou - how to add check in instructions to an automated message
Sample SL between you and a cleaning team